Clothing which is obscene, displays profanity, or advertises an illegal activity or product is prohibited. Clothing which substantially disrupts the educational process or constitutes a health or safety hazard is prohibited. Students may be required to wear certain types of clothing while participating in physical education classes, labs, extracurricular activities, or other situations where special attire may be required to ensure the health and safety of the student. The type of clothing listed below is considered not appropriate for school.
Outdoor clothing (coats, heavy jackets, etc.) unless climatic conditions warrant exceptions. Full length trench coats are prohibited; length should not exceed 3/4 length. High school students may wear coats when walking in between campus buildings.
Clothing that is designed especially for highly physical or out-of-school activities (swimwear, etc).
Tank tops are permissible but must have minimally a 2 inch shoulder strap.
Clothing that is excessively revealing, short and/or tight. Ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing.
Clothing or patches on clothing which can be interpreted as obscene by message or placement.
Clothing that advertises drugs or alcohol.
No wearing of hats with brims, ski masks, and other headwear in school, except for a medical or religious purpose or as otherwise directed by health authorities. Items that obscure the students identity are not permitted. Administration reserves the right to ask any student to remove items that obscure the identity of the student.
Footwear is to be worn at all times. Due to steps and outdoor activities, footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed, such as sneakers with skates, etc. Certain classes may require a specific type of footwear in order to safely participate in class.
If the student is in violation of the dress code, the student is sent to the office, where the Principal or his/her designee will attempt to correct the dress code violation. If the dress code violation cannot be corrected at that time, the parent or guardian will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing to the school or to take the student home. Subsequent violations may result in progressive discipline by the administrative team.
If there is a question regarding the appropriateness of dress, the Principal or his/her designee will be the final judge. The parent/guardian may be requested to bring in suitable clothing before the student may return to class. No student will be returned to class until the mode of dress is deemed appropriate by the Principal or his/her designee.