General School Expectations

  1. Students are expected to arrive at class on time or have a pass from the previous teacher.
  2. For everyone's safety during a fire drill, students must be quiet and orderly. Upon returning to the building, students are expected to report immediately to class (no drink or lavatory stops).
  3. All students must leave the building at 2:55pm unless under the direct supervision of a teacher.
  4. Students must have a pass at all times when leaving a class during class time.
  5. No student should open a locker after the 8:05am bell or before the conclusion of the morning announcements. Students are to remain in homeroom until dismissed by the homeroom teacher.
  6. Students are not permitted to share lockers or use lockers that have not been assigned to them.
  7. Students must have their cell phones and ear buds/headphones turned off and away during the school day (8:05am-2:55pm).
  8. Students are expected to follow the Pennsbury School District Conduct Policy.