Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

Please be mindful of our school buses as they will be pulling directly in front of our flag pole and straight out to Derbyshire Road. As a result, cars pulling out of our lot will need to proceed with caution and ensure that there are no buses pulling out of the bus lot. As always, if we exercise caution, common sense, and courtesy to all, we will experience a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal process.

Safety is our number one priority for our students. Please exercise caution and patience when pulling into our lower parking lot during arrival and dismissal. We can create a safe environment for students when we practice these qualities.

Please be sure to use only the lower parking lot for student drop-off (AM) & pick-up (PM). This lower parking lot in the front of the building is clearly marked for parent vehicles only. Do not enter the upper lot where buses pull in and pull out. This can create an unsafe situation for students and for you if you pull into this upper lot during arrival and dismissal.

Our active loading zone in the afternoon is near the center of the median near the pedestrian crossing sign. We have a staff member stationed to assist with safe loading each day.

When pulling into the lower lot at arrival or dismissal please be sure to proceed with extreme caution. Our crossing guard is there to assist us in the morning near the flag pole. Please encourage your child to only cross the lot with his assistance.